URBAN 2021 Photo Awards
Photo selected at the contest organized by the cultural association dotART for the Trieste Photo Days festival 8th edition 1st October - 30th November 2021. Showed at Trieste Airport exhibition area.
La pellicola stregata
Instagram challenge organized by the National Museum of Cinema in collaboration with Igers Italia during the exhibition "#Soundframes. Cinema e Musica in mostra".
Photo selected for the instant exhibition held at Mole Antonelliana, Turin (Italy) on 7th January 2019.
PHOTO - Concours "L'Amérique Latine dans la rue"
Photo contest organized by world known French magazine PHOTO in collaboration with IHEAL (Institut des Hautes Études de l'Amérique Latine).
9 photos passed the 2nd selection.
The Light Down
Photos published on "The Light Down" 2020 issue, the Annual International Photography Magazine by ASX The Picture Perfect, Delhi (India).
La tua PdT
3 contributions to "La tua PdT", photographic projects hosted by the publishing house Poetica del Territorio, Saint-Vincent (Italy).
Islanda. La laguna glaciale di Jökulsárlón
Isole Cíes. I Caraibi a portata di mano
Il Pis del Pesio: La grandiosità dell’effimero
L'uomo con la valigia
Reportage on the Oficina Salitrera Chacabuco (Chile) on the travel blog website
Pagine in viaggio
Contributions to the short stories collection "Pagine in viaggio" edited by Giorgio Enrico Bena.
Publishing house NEOS Edizioni, Turin (Italy)
Chiloé, isola magica. Sulle orme degli scrittori cileni (collection "Sull'isola")
La Via del Sale secondo Giovanni (collection "Sulle vie del mondo")